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Zero-carbon* ventilation systems for new plant operations

Natural gas substituted by electric heat pumps and an innovative heat-recovery solution
Newly built areas in our plants in Turkey and Czech Republic will no longer use natural gas for the heating and air conditioning of the building. Following the innovative solution for zero-carbon* air supply systems in our paint booths, we have successfully transferred a similar concept to the general heating and ventilation of the areas where our workers operate.

Zero CO2* heating solution

A few weeks ago, we have told you about our innovative zero CO2* Air Make-up units as part of the Global Paint Line in TMMF.  Through a waste heat recovery system and heat pumps, the demand  for energy can be greatly reduced and allows us to eliminate natural gas use in the paint booth process.

Not only have we transferred this solution to another paint shop in Turkey (TMMT), but we have also been implementing a similar process for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning in new operation areas in Toyota Motor Manufacturing Turkey (TMMT) and Toyota Motor Manufacturing Czech Republic (TMMCZ).

Recovering all waste heat

Our Production Facility Engineering team took on the challenge of identifying and reusing every possible waste heat flow within the existing processes. Through multiple analyses they were able to align the exhaust air heat recovery from various operations such as process chillers, air pollution concentrator, as well as the waste heat coming from the building’s air handling unit. Thanks to this smart design, recovered waste heat is directed to the compartments of electrical heat pumps, which require much less energy.

The Zero CO2* Air House

By placing all equipment in a so-called ‘air house’, we can recover the residual heat from the 3 different process sources more efficiently. It also allows us to have the entire system close to where the waste heat is captured and where it is used, resulting in only a minimal loss of energy during the transportation of the hot air. The ‘air-house also prevents the phenomenon of ice build-up, making the entire system even more energy efficient. And while we use 100% certified Green Electricity*, we can proudly claim it is a fully operational Zero CO2* process in our building.

New logistics area at TMMCZ

Building expansion is always a challenge, especially with Zero CO2 targets. And it was no different for our Assembly Plant in Czech Republic. The engineering teams used their heat pump experience to deliver a full electric solution for the new logistic area. Heat pumps are very effective, thanks to a high-performance coefficient factor. In simple words – for each unit of delivered electric energy, a heat pump can provide 3 units of heat energy (1:3). The heat pumps are combined with efficient fans and with the integrated heat recovery system, also having a positive impact on our operational costs.

Both projects can maintain or even improve the thermal comfort in our buildings. The heat pump efficiently delivers heat but in reverse can also cool down the air. Furthermore, it reduces our energy bills, allows us to get rid of gas burners and reduces our total carbon footprint. We will continue to look for more innovative solutions that will help to further optimise our processes and decarbonise the rest of our operations.
Chris Torfs, Senior Manager TME Plant & Environment
*Zero CO2 refers to the use of 100% certified renewable electricity (according to the standards of AIB in the EU, REGO in the UK, i-REC in Turkey) in the usage phase of the equipment. This certification does not encompass the manufacturing, supply, maintenance and end-of-life of the equipment.