By contributing to the creation of an affluent society through our business activities, we aim to strengthen our position as a reliable corporate citizen in the international community.
Our commitment to society and business
Fulfilling our corporate social responsibility
The Guiding Principles of Toyota state that the company shall “honour the language and spirit of the law of every country and region, and undertake open and fair business activities to be a strong corporate citizen of the world.” We believe that adhering to this principle is to fulfil our corporate social responsibility and ensure compliance. As a member of society in the countries and regions in which we operate, we believe it's a privilege and a responsibility to contribute to public policy by sharing our technical and consumer knowledge, our vision and our views.
Operating within the spirit and letter of the law
Toyota fulfils its corporate social responsibility transparently and always in full accordance with the spirit and letter of the law. We have positive relationships with governments and their administrative agencies, regulators, mainstream major political parties, non-profit organisations, local communities, customers, dealers, suppliers, and employees. We show respect to all, consistent with a core company belief and therefore hope to become a company that is respected and welcomed by all.
Meeting environmental standards
Long before European legislation made it a requirement, we have been taking steps to reduce our impact on the environment. This includes ensuring no environmental violations in all our operations. Our ISO 14001 system supports our commitment to continual improvement in our environmental performance. Our European Head Office & Technical Centre, 14 Parts Logistics Centres and seven Vehicle Logistics Centres are all ISO 14001 certified. In addition, all our National Marketing and Sales Companies (NMSCs) and European Manufacturing Companies (EMCs) are certified by other national certification bodies.
Environmental and Social Compliance
We actively follow up all relevant legislation and take necessary actions at speed to achieve compliance. We make sure that also our supply chain meets environmental compliance and consider all our business partners as partners in creating a better environment. With our Sustainable Purchasing Guidelines we create awareness and ensure our supply chain is compliant to our standards and legislation. Besides Europe, other regions such as North America and Asia are introducing their own legislation. We therefore cooperate with all our business partners to manage our supply chain and meet overall compliance.
Chemicals compliance
A vital area in compliance is chemical management. The general rules for producing, importing and using chemicals within the EU are set by REACH Regulation. REACH is complemented by other EU legislation such as CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation), BPR (Biocidal Products Regulation), F-Gas (Fluorinated Gas Regulation), SCiP, or those on nano-materials. Our aim is to automate our processes to comply with all these requirements. For instance, internal software creates automatic SCiP notifications for parts and vehicles as a requirement of the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC.
Substance data (SVHC information)
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