Our world faces many challenges, from climate change and air quality to energy efficiency and security. With Mirai, we made a start for the better, to ensure that we can enjoy a future that cares about the environment.
A sustainable hydrogen society
Hydrogen can be produced from various primary energies, the method of extraction dependent on the country in question. It can also play a major role in the spread of renewable energy. Solar and wind power are intermittent sources, resulting in unstable generation that requires an adequate storage system. One way to store these intermittent renewable energies is to convert them to hydrogen, a method that’s more appropriate than batteries for large storage thanks to a higher energy density.
The society of the future must utilize renewable energy and smartly integrate the electricity grid with the hydrogen grid for effective use. To realise a future of sustainable energy-based societies using hydrogen, we must fully utilise renewable energy while effectively integrating electricity and hydrogen grids as one.