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Making a start for the better

The 1st generation Mirai
Our world faces many challenges, from climate change and air quality to energy efficiency and security. With Mirai, we made a start for the better, to ensure that we can enjoy a future that cares about the environment.

Life cycle thinking

In order to measure the overall environmental impact, detailed life cycle assessments were carried out in accordance with ISO 14040/44, and certified by the independent experts of TÜV Rheinland. The next step is to derive recommended courses of action and measures that will lead to ecological optimisation of our products and processes over the entire vehicle life cycle. Toyota strives to develop each model in such a way that it delivers far better environmental properties than its predecessor.
Mirai Life Cycle Assessment Report (Opens in new window)

A cleaner, greener drive

Emitting nothing else than water vapour, the 1st generation Mirai was a pioneering vehicle intended to contribute to a hydrogen society. Its advanced fuel cell technology and environmental performance drove it to be named the 2016 World Green Car of the year at the New York International Auto Show. 

With the Mirai, Toyota brought innovation greater than that of the first-generation Prius to market, and focused on popularising the Mirai and the associated FCEV technology, supporting the development of hydrogen infrastructure.

It starts at the plant

The 1st generation Mirai was manufactured at Motomachi plant, the same plant where the second generation is manufactured today. This plant utilizes 100% of renewable energy resources while operating in harmony with the natural environment. With the installation of solar panels and the utilization of the exhaust heat from the plant we are generating energy in an effective manner. Furthermore, through our daily Kaizen activities and by developing low CO2-emitting production technologies we are eliminating energy waste. Lastly, through our tree planting activities around the site we are supporting the ecosystem conservation.


  • A sustainable hydrogen society

    Hydrogen can be produced from various primary energies, the method of extraction dependent on the country in question. It can also play a major role in the spread of renewable energy. Solar and wind power are intermittent sources, resulting in unstable generation that requires an adequate storage system. One way to store these intermittent renewable energies is to convert them to hydrogen, a method that’s more appropriate than batteries for large storage thanks to a higher energy density.

    The society of the future must utilize renewable energy and smartly integrate the electricity grid with the hydrogen grid for effective use. To realise a future of sustainable energy-based societies using hydrogen, we must fully utilise renewable energy while effectively integrating electricity and hydrogen grids as one.

  • A future led by technology

    Resource efficiency plays an important role in Toyota’s organisation. The recoverability rate of the Mirai exceeds 95%. As the Mirai’s fuel cell stack is using the precious metal platinum, Toyota created the world first stack collection and recycling network.

    In Europe, Toyota has set itself the challenging target of aiming to collect 100% of these industrial batteries. In 2010, Toyota succeeded in establishing the world's first battery-to-battery recycling operation in Japan. Furthermore, as of 2013, batteries are reused in stationary energy storage applications. Realising that our raw materials are finite, Toyota is continuously progressing towards a resource-efficient economy.

  • In harmony with nature 

    The Mirai manufacturing facility is a member of a working group whose goal is to protect biodiversity, with a focus on reforestation. The group has expanded its activities, involving businesses, local communities and government bodies. Toyota employees from the Mirai plant have already planted approximately 23,000 saplings*, using the Miyawaki Method taught by Professor Fujiwara from Yokohama City University. In the Miyawaki technique, various species of plants are planted close to each other so that the greens receive sunlight only from the top and grow upwards than sideways.

    *As of December 2020