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Did you ever wonder what Santa’s elves look like?

Christmas elves in action
The two pre-Christmas weeks have been very noisy in Toyota Europe’s headquarters in Brussels. As you enter the building, surprisingly, the giant shiny Christmas tree and even shinier new generation Aurises and Yarises surrounding it – are not the first things that catch the eye.

The first thing to catch your eye

The first thing to catch your eye is the crowd of people moving with super-human speed around a few desks packed with children’s toys. The wrapping paper swishing around, ribbons falling to the floor, chatter and sudden exclamations “Oh, this teddy bear is so cute!” or “I need more baby food here!”. 

Put a smile on the faces of less-fortunate children

Those people are employees who volunteered to contribute to this year’s efforts supporting the charity “Serve the City, Brussels”. Over 1670 employees in Brussels and in Zaventem were invited to donate toys and kid’s gifts to put a smile on the faces of children who are less fortunate. And nobody expected such generous feedback and involvement – the initial goal to compile 200 gift boxes for 200 children was quickly overachieved, with donations coming in from early morning to office closing mail. 

Our way to wish Merry Christmas

Volunteers were skipping their lunches to work in an improvised Toyota Production System line – there was a donation receiving station, sorting station, packing & signing station and a wrapping station. Now the presents are shipped to schools and orphanages, and we would like to wish all children in Brussels – Merry Christmas.