TME delivers 6 fuel cell modules for FCH2Rail project

6 FC modules delivered to CNH2 and CAF in Spain to be integrated in the Fuel Cell Hybrid Power Pack 
The FCH2RAIL project, already launched in January 2021, is pioneering in the field of emission-free bi-mode trains, which combine normal track use and emission-free rail travel without overhead lines. The FCH2Rail consortium is developing a Fuel Cell Hybrid Power Pack and integrating into a demonstration bi-mode train.

The project

Toyota has built, tested, and delivered 6 fuel cell modules for the next phase in the project. These modules include the latest Gen2 technology offering more power and higher density in a more compact package. It was decided to use the flat module configuration, allowing the most efficient integration in the demonstration train’s roof.

Three of the modules have already been delivered to CNH2. These fuel cell modules will first be tested together with the batteries in the full system on a test bench, before moving to CAF. The remaining 3 modules will go directly to CAF by mid-February, where all 6 modules will be installed in the demo train. With the delivery of Toyota’s fuel cell modules, the teams can now develop the Fuel Cell Hybrid Power Pack for the hybrid, bi-modal drive system powering of the train.

Learn more about the latest Gen2 technology  (Opens in new window)

The Fuel Cell Hybrid Power Pack

This system combines the electrical power supplied from the overhead line with the fuel cell hybrid power pack that works independently, powering the train. This demonstrator train, a CIVIA electric commuter train manufactured by CAF, is provided by Renfe; both FCH2RAIL consortium partners. CAF will install the fuel cell modules, as part of the hybrid power pack into the train. Once the integration is complete the consortium will begin the initial functional tests and trial runs for the approval process within the Spanish and Portuguese tracks. The project aims at testing the energy management and validating whether it can be a reliable and viable solution for hydrogen zero-emission trains. The FCH2Rail project is funded by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCHJU).